A Dog’s Life: His Everything Revolves Around You!
A dog’s life is around his owner. When me and my chubby little pup sit here together watching the pretty fireworks lighting up the sky, I find it hard to relax knowing that I’m not doing everything in my power for the four-paw friend who I love most.
Having him as a companion has brought such joy into our lives since I discovered him. He is lovely, obedient, friendly, protective, and gets along well with my son — everything I could ask for in a pup. I wonder what my life would be like without him.

My dog was one of my parent’s Christmas presents years ago. Although quite impulsive, he was an amusing and fun gift, and he’s a mix between Labrador and Springer Spaniel. I named him Remington, or Remmy (an easier name to remember) because his father was a gun dog.
With the difficult time during the COVID-19, we were under lockdown consistently. Time management and budgeting became very difficult as we were unprepared to manage both a newborn baby at home and all of our other responsibilities.
However, I still make it a point to walk my dog at least one or two times a day. And I also let him play with his favorite ball at a field near my house. When we’re out there, he loves running and sniffing everything!
With how much fun he has, it was only natural for me to begin finding enjoyment in these activities. Can you believe that before meeting Remmy, I never liked going outside and wasn’t much of an animal person?
If I am going to be later than usual on our walk, Remmy will look at me and let out tiny whimpers until I surrender and take his leash. Every so often, though, he’ll turn around to look at me and make sure I’m keeping up with him enough!
We, humans, are complex, aren’t we? We spend too much time caring about the way we look, the things we eat, and our relationships. Canines don’t think of all the other things in their lives – a dog’s life only focuses on one thing- their family.
At the end of the day, your pup is the only thing that matters because he will always be there 100% of the time.
I finally understand how much happiness is derived from the simple act of being with Remmy. Thinking about being apart someday makes me want to do all the best for him, just as how much he contributed to my life!
This connection between us has shown me how committed he and I can be towards each other, just like real friends should. I’d encourage prospective pet owners to think about what their four-legged friend might want – namely that they be showered with love and affection.
As you are now the closest thing they have to a family, make sure you treat them like the most important member of your fam squad They will respond in kind by respecting and adoring you and your other loved ones for the rest of their lives.
It Is How A Girl And Puppy Bonded Over Their Mutual Deafness!
Deaf pets are often left at shelters or put down by their owners due to the misconception that they are difficult to take care of. But this story is different because the owner is also deaf. It’s about how a girl and puppy bonded over their mutual deafness!
Girl And Puppy Bonded Over Their Mutual Deafness
Our main character, a lovely puppy named Walter, was a member of Pasadena Humane – an animal adoption and rescue organization – in 2015.
When Pasadena Humane’s staff saw him, the first impression was that he was a bright-eyed, energetic pup, standing out with his snowy fur. When time passed and the pup grew older, the team realized he had hearing issues; Walter could not hear!
The organization wanted Walter to have a home, so they searched for a family who could take care of him because of his special situation. They posted pictures of what he might look like on Facebook in hopes that they would attract the right family. And it worked!
Almost immediately, they heard from a family who was certain that they wanted to look after Walter, and it was Chrissy Vasquez. The uniqueness of Julia – her 10-year-old daughter – being deaf just added to this already amazing story. After meeting the puppy, it soon became apparent that this encounter was meant to be.
It was such a long time ago that Chrissy took her daughter inside her arms for the first time after birth – sensing that she couldn’t hear and just smelled her neck. It happened again with Walter; the little pup started snuggling up with his new parent, smelling her neck and waiting for a pat.
Once the puppy joined their household, the relationship between 10-year-old Julia and her doggy was inseparable. Walter lived with Julia and grew to become a loyal and loving member of her family.
Source: It Is How A Girl And Puppy Bonded Over Their Mutual Deafness!
How Long Should A Dog Chew On A Bone?
Each different pet has its hobbies and pastimes that they love. For example, cats always love to play with rolls of wool or ribbons and strings. Hamsters love running wheels, wooden houses, and small climbing terrain.
As for dogs, you will always think of this loyal pet associated with bones. Dogs love to gnaw on bones because it’s their natural habit. However, how long should a dog chew on a bone?
Here are some answers to this question and other relevant information about this pet’s habits. With Morehappawness, scroll down more to find out.
How Long Should A Dog Chew On A Bone?
In terms of frequency, it is believed that each dog should only chew bones a maximum of twice a week, spaced a few days apart. Moreover, the time for each chewing is no more than 15 minutes.
The reason for this is that if dogs chew bones too often, they will face several health risks, and constipation is one of them.
In general, dogs currently chew on 3 different types of bone: rawhide bone, marrow bone, and raw bone. Here is how long should a dog chew on a bone for each of the three mentioned types:
Rawhide bone can be natural or commercially produced from a variety of ingredients. Therefore, your dog should not chew on this bone for long, as he can get chemicals from the bone. To not be contaminated with toxins and indigestion for dogs, only allowing them to chew for 10 -15 minutes is best.
Marrowbone should also not be used for long periods. If chewed for longer than 20 minutes, it may not be good for your dog’s health. Also, remember to keep this bone in the refrigerator; otherwise, it can also harm the dog if kept using it again.
The last type of bone is raw bone. A dog can chew this bone within 15 minutes and should not chew for longer. Best give them uncooked bones, and they’ll love it.
Can A Dog Chew On A Bone Too Much?
We answer the question: how long should a dog chew on a bone with different types of bones for a good reason. A dog can chew on bones for so long that it harms him.
If a dog chews on a bone for too long, it can break the bone into many small pieces. These pieces will enter the dog’s digestive system causing the risk of intestinal blockage.
Worse, they can puncture the dog’s stomach and intestinal wall. This situation is extremely dangerous as it can be life-threatening to the dog.
Does Chewing On Bones Make Dogs Tired?
A dog may be exhausted from chewing bones, but it will feel happy afterward. Chewing bones not only helps clean teeth and prevent bad breath, but it also helps reduce stress in the dog.
While gnawing bones, the dog can exercise the jaws. At the same time, it can help a physically depressed dog feel better.
Chewing bones will help stimulate his spirit and leave him tired but satisfied. All you need to do is know how long should a dog chew on a bone, and don’t leave it on too long!
Chips – The War Dog Become A Hero On The World War II
World War II saw some of the most brutal moments in the history of humankind. The role of dogs in combat was also a defining factor that provided a boost to the morale of the armed forces.Morehappawness looks at the story of a little hero called Chips, who was the war dog that helped save many lives.
The War Dog – When A Hero Was Born
Chip was a husky mix with a German shepherd who served with the American Army during WWII. He started life as a faithful companion to the Wren family in New York before being trained to serve variously on patrol or sentry duty.
When the U.S. Army encouraged dog owners to let their pets participate in the war, the Wrens responded by donating Chips. They wanted to contribute and knew their dog was smart and strong enough.
John Wren admitted that it was heart-wrenching for his mother to have her beloved pet go with others, but they were confident that he’d be really useful.
Over three years serving as a U.S. Army dog unit member, Chips traveled across Europe and North Africa. He even met the U.S. President and British prime minister during the famous Casablanca Conference in 1943.Chip’s actions on the 10th of July 1943 are well-remembered. While American forces were busy invading Sicily, a dog named Chips found himself in the midst of an assault with his handler, John Rowell.
He escaped from his handler, charged at full speed into the Italian soldiers, and disappeared. Moments later, a soldier from the Italian army came out with Chips clutching his neck. Finally, the remaining three soldiers also stepped out and surrendered.
His amazing work displayed bravery, strength, commitment to his country, and most importantly, dedication to keeping the U.S. soldiers safe. But more importantly, he did all of this even though he wasn’t human!
However, there were some serious wounds on his face, and he didn’t notice them. Those wounds didn’t seem to slow him down much as he was spotted sniffing ten enemies later that day. The dog earned a Silver Star award for bravery and heroics then.
Finally, this little hero was able to return home. John Wren recalls when he opened up the cage and found his pet in there safe and sound. He was overjoyed, as were many others at the time.
Wren’s mother had a story she liked to tell about Wren getting caught in the undertow when he went swimming at Quogue Beach. However, it was his dog, Chips, who noticed Wren disappearing under the water. Chips had promptly run into the sea to pull him out.
Sadly, the war dog didn’t live very long in retirement. Half a year after his journey home, he encountered kidney failure and passed away.
And later on, this fearless dog received the honor award known to animal kind – the Dickin Medal! It’s given to those who show great heroism! The owner, John Wren, then traveled to London and received it for his beloved dog.
Source: Chips – The War Dog Become A Hero On The World War II
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Dog Receives Titanium Prosthetic Legs: Save A Dog After Amputation
Monika is a Russian pup rescued by veterinarian Sergei Gorshkov. After getting an amputation, the dog receives titanium prosthetic legs. Below is her survival story. Let’s read it now with Morehappawness!
Monika’s Survival Story
It was in the small town of Plastunovskaya, Russia, where Sergei Gorshkov rescued this pup. All her paws bore got serious injuries, so the veterinarian brought her in for special care.Unluckily, there were no treatments to keep her extremities. So the doctors transferred her to Krasnodar for a blood transfusion and four-leg amputation.Two shelter workers, Alla Leonkina and Marina Gapich took care of Monika. As they didn’t know what to do, they started asking for suggestions about how to keep on caring for the pup’s well-being.The majority of vets told them to put this poor puppy down, except one vet who recommended special treatment for the pup.
Veterinarian Gorshkov Gave Monika A New Life
Sergei Gorshkov is a Novosibirsk-based veterinarian. This terrific vet has performed more than 37 surgeries since 2015 to provide prosthetic legs for amputated animals. Nevertheless, Monika was Gorshkov’s first dog patient.As the surgery cost $5,400, Alla Leonkina and Marina Gapich decided to raise a fund and enlist Gorshkov’s assistance. Finally, the vet not only saved Monika’s life but also brought her a new life.At first, the vet was unsure if there was anything to be optimistic about. He was also not sure if she could lead a normal life. However, he was shocked when the puppy responded with prosthetic legs.A little dog could stand up and start walking around his clinic on the third day. She looked quite comfortable with her new extremities from room to room.>>>You might like: Meet The Tongueless Wonder Dog In Need Of A Forever Home
Where Shall The New Legs Take Monika?
After getting the prosthetic legs, the loving pup will start to work with an animal behaviorist based in London. She helps them sort through some traumatic events that lead to her new terrific extremities.It does not seem to be a question if she can become a helpful companion or not. Now, all the effort is to find a nice family for her rather than other things. In fact, they hope to find her a family where the members understand well prepare to care for and love her.
Source: https://morehappawness.com/dog-receives-titanium-prosthetic-legs/
How To Cut Dog Nails Guillotine? – The Ultimate Nail Trimming Guide For Dog Owners
Our lovely puppies as family companions today are a product of our ancestor’s thousands of years of domesticating wild wolves.
The nail or the claw of your puppies is one of the remaining features of the dog’s ancestor after changing both behavior and appearance. This feature of our four-legged friend is integral for dogs in movements and for owners to determine their pet’s health and happiness level.
Therefore, pedicure care for your dog is an easy and essential task for dog owners to keep their companions healthy. Read on to find out how to cut dog nails guillotine properly!
What Is A Guillotine Nail Clipper?
The guillotine nail clipper is a pet grooming equipment used to quickly and effectively trim down dog nails without the risk of causing harm to your dog.
The two main components of the gadget include a high-quality fixed blade in the shape of a ring and placed perpendicular to the handles. The remaining component is another moving blade that will slide down over the surface of the fixed blade when the handle is pressed.
The working mechanism of this type of nail clipper is similar to that of a guillotine.
How To Cut Dog Nails Guillotine?
Overall, trimming down your dog’s claws is not as easy as you would think. It is advisable to take your time and not do this in a hurry not to provoke or accidentally cause harm to your dog.
If you haven’t had experience using a guillotine before, you might need to practice in a small area or a piece of paper to get the feel of it.
With that out of the way, let’s go over the process of clipping dog nails using a guillotine nail clipper in the next section!
It is crucial to prepare your guillotine nail clipper before getting down to business. It would be best if you made sure that the size of the clipper is appropriate to your dog’s nail to avoid excessive and imprecise cuts. On top of that, dull blades on a clipper can be dangerous, so be sure to choose a brand new clipper or sharpen both blades beforehand.
Before you start chopping down those unwanted lengthy nails, you need to get your dog comfortable with the tool first.
Sit down next to your dog and begin holding the dog’s paws while talking to your dog and giving treats. After that, introduce the dog to your clipper, let it sniff, and play with it. You can also give your dog treats to loosen it up and get familiar with the tool.
Start Trimming
Once the dog is comfortable and calm, you can now begin to cut its nails. Place the guillotine cutter around the part of your dog’s nail you would like to cut and press the handle in one swift and solid movement. The bit should fall right off.
Start with the tiny bit of the nail first before moving on to a larger one to minimize excessive cuts and potentially hurt your puppy.
Soften the edges
Here comes the final steps you must learn on how to cut dog nails guillotine!
Once you’re done cutting the claws, the pedicure procedure is not over yet. You need to file down some rough edges on the nail that the clipper left behind using a filer. This simple step will prevent your dog’s nails from sticking to clothes, bedding, or toys and give the nail a smoother look.
Soure: https://morehappawness.com/how-to-cut-dog-nails-guillotine/
Can Dogs Eat Coleslaw? What Happens If Dogs Eat Coleslaw?
As a dog lover, you always want your pet to eat healthy food. So, for a dish that contains many vegetables like coleslaw, have you ever wondered: “Can dogs eat coleslaw?”. However, despite having a lot of vegetables, coleslaw is a dish with many potential dangers to dogs’ health. Let’s find out more with us in this article.
Can Dogs Eat Coleslaw?
Coleslaw is a very popular accompaniment to help relieve boredom when people eat many fried foods, like fried sausages or fried chicken. Although the coleslaw is mostly cabbage, one ingredient does not pose any health risk to dogs. However, some mixes or seasonings often contain a lot of fat and sugar that are not good for the dog’s health.As a result, the answer to the question “Can dogs eat coleslaw?” is a resounding no.>>>You might like: Can Dogs Eat Pumpkin Bread? Not So Safe As You Thought
Is Coleslaw Good for Dogs?
With the question “Is cole slaw good for you?” The answer will be absolutely yes. So what about dogs?In truth, there are still some elements in coleslaw that give a lot of nutrients to dogs. For example, vitamin K is abundant in cabbage, the main element in coleslaw. This nutrient will help dogs cope with discomfort and may even reduce trauma-related bleeding.Furthermore, the coleslaw will have a high-fat content due to the cabbage, which aids in providing vitamin C to dogs. Thereby, the dog’s immune system will be strengthened, and his tissues will be naturally restored in his body.Moreover, calcium and magnesium in cabbage in coleslaw can assist your dog in improving his health if he has had rickets since childhood due to a lack of proper diet.So “Can dogs eat coleslaw?” The answer would be yes if only cabbage were the main ingredient.
Is Coleslaw Bad for Dogs?
Coleslaw contains cabbage, which is a very healthy vegetable for dogs. So the question arises “Is coleslaw bad for dogs?”.Although coleslaw still contains ingredients that are good for your dog’s health, when comparing the benefits, feeding your dog coleslaw may cause more harm.Onions and garlic are two ingredients in coleslaw that might be hazardous to dogs’ health. When a dog consumes onions, his red blood cells become unbalanced, leading to anemia. Even for a large and healthy dog, small amounts of onions are incredibly harmful and can result in death.Mayonnaise is a must-have component in coleslaw sauce. Although eggs, oil, and vinegar are substances that do not pose a significant health risk to dogs. However, when mixed and made into mayonnaise, the question “Is mayonnaise okay for dogs?” The answer will be no. High-fat foods often make dogs more susceptible to pancreatitis. For dogs, this disease is dangerous and cannot be cured.In addition, sugar and salt are also two spices that dogs are not permitted to consume. If dogs consume excessive amounts of sugar and salt, they are more likely to develop diabetes and get dehydrated, leading to a variety of health issues, including cardiovascular difficulties.In particular, your dog should not eat coleslaw canned or sold in fast food stores, which often contain additives to preserve them for a long time. Nowadays, many nutritionists recommend that preservatives are hazardous for pets’ health.
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Why Do Dogs Hump The Air? – Facts For Dog Owners!
Sometimes, dogs will hump things and turn many people away from owning one. Why do dogs hump the air – an object that isn’t even alive? Well, multiple different specific events can cause your puppy to engage in this behavior. Before you give up on the idea of having a pet around the house, keep reading to find out more about these furry friends!
Why Do Dogs Hump The Air?
Humping is a term used for dog-on-human sexual activity. The phrase describes the action of one dog mounting another, either male on female or female on male. Neutered and spayed dogs may engage in this action as well.
This action can be a bit embarrassing for owners. You may be thinking why they hump, or sometimes, why do dogs hump the air – while there’s no identified object at all?
Many don’t realize that there are often a few different reasons why your dog may be humping air (or even your furniture, for that matter).
We’ll point out several main causes right below so that you’re prepared if your puppies start to do this.
They’re excited
Many people think humping is sexual behavior, but it stems from pure excitement. The excitement depends on the situation and how your dog views that particular event, activity, or person.
Any situation can set your dog off on a happy journey of kneading or humping when they are happy or excited.
Pure excitement might resemble finding their favorite treat like going on walks or playing with other furry friends they genuinely enjoy being around. It could also result from them being pleased that someone had just brought them their favorite food!
Maybe you’ve noticed your dog acting excited but not in a sexual way? Maybe it’s because they were more simply happy that you were there and had come home. It is a funny reason for “Why do dogs hump the air?” indeed.
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They’re bored
Some of them can get bored of doing nothing or find it very hard to express themselves as they are. They were chosen for a job, you know?
Retrievers were meant to retrieve birds; pointers pointed when they saw prey, hounds were meant to track the scent. Nowadays, they don’t have anywhere else to go, nothing better to do, and no one to hang around with – we can relate.
You should provide enough outdoor activities instead of asking, “Why do dogs hump the air?”. Then, your puppies won’t be too bored to engage in any “weird” action that leads to embarrassment.
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Out-of-context behaviors
Displacement behaviors can occur when your puppy is anxious or uncomfortable.
Some of the most common out-of-context actions include mouthing, chewing, barking, licking, and sniffing. Air humping also occurs to help relieve anxiety associated with stimulation or excitement.
Owners can easily recognize these displacement tasks. It is essential to observe what may influence your dog when you notice that they stare at another dog, person, animal, etc.
Read more: https://morehappawness.com/why-do-dogs-hump-the-air/Why Do Dogs Scratch My Bed Sheets: The Latest Information
If you have a puppy, you’ll know how much fun it is. Dogs are absolutely adorable and are a great addition to any family. However, you may be wondering, “Why do dogs scratch my bed sheets?”
Some canines are so persistent about clawing many pieces of furniture. The reason is straightforward, and you can find out more by reading this blog post. Scroll down to discover now!
Why Do Dogs Scratch My Bed Sheets?
Puppies can be as picky as people when it comes to their mattresses. Here are some reasons why a pup might scratch your sheets.
Puppies have itchy paws and will usually paw anything to relieve the irritation. Unfortunately, this often means their owners’ prized furniture! While some canines do this out of spite, it’s more often simply a matter of discomfort.
The best way to deal with such a situation is to make sure that the puppy is as comfortable as possible. Unfortunately, while some puppies will tell you when they’re uncomfortable, others will simply act out without warning. This is especially true of unhealthy ones.
Smells Food
Why do dogs scratch my bed sheets? Smells originating from food are also a reason. Canines keep pawing the sheets because they love to dig deep into this thing till they find something which smells good.
When they find something on the sheets that smells good, they try to dig into it again and again. It is probably the food odor left that your pup does not like.
Tossing sheets every morning keeps away this problem. However, you must also tell your dog not to do that action and change that furniture once a week.
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Scratching a bedsheet is only natural when you are scared. Pups are very intuitive creatures, and they do whatever they can to calm down. By leaving your pooch plenty of toys, you can help prevent this behavior.
If you are concerned about your pup scratching on furniture, you can give them treats and play with them to distract them from the behavior. Dogs are usually pretty easy to solve problems for. With the right interventions, you can stop the behavior from occurring!
It’s critical to take care of your dog’s needs. When he’s bored, he might feel the need to destroy furniture. When they’re bored, it’s essential to board pooches to stop them from destroying your furniture. Make sure to keep your pooch entertained.
If you take your pet on long walks, they’ll have more energy to chase their toys and sleep much more easily at night.
Seeking Warmth
Pups are generally cold animals. But, since they have a lot of hair, they need to stay warm. So if you wonder, “why do dogs scratch my bed sheets” it is because he is looking for a more comfortable sleeping position.
Pups do this by digging underneath your sheets. One way to solve this is to buy some extra sheets and cover your pet up when sleeping. This one is a cheaper option than purchasing a warming blanket.
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Marking Territory
Dogs in your house may do this because they want to mark their territory, so you need to claim your space. They can also do this for several other reasons, but the most common one is so that they can make your house their home.
If you want to stop this behavior, use odor neutralizers on your furniture to make the smell less noticeable. This should help your pet figure out that they shouldn’t do this!
Read more: https://morehappawness.com/why-do-dogs-scratch-my-bed-sheets/Cutest Pictures of Dogs Enjoying Car Rides
Some dogs just love to ride with you in the car wherever you go, and they are obsessed with sticking their heads out the window. Dog behaviorists claim what man’s best friends are looking for is not a breeze in their hair or sunshine on the snout, but what dogs are after are smells.
However, some dogs love to drive and get in the car as soon as the opportunity arises, while in others, the situation is entirely different.
Here are cutest pictures of dogs enjoying car whose first instinct when they get in the car is to stick their heads outside the window.
Dreaming about bones land
Cutest Pictures Of Dogs Enjoying Car Breeze
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It’s best together
Read more: https://morehappawness.com/pictures-of-dogs-enjoying-car/
Adorable Pictures Of Pomeranian That Will Make You Want One
Pomeranian Dog is a breed of aristocratic toy dog from Europe. This breed has conquered the hearts of dog lovers all over the world with its beautiful, attractive appearance. The same petite body as a portable cotton lump and angel’s face.
In this article, let More Happawness admire adorable pictures of Pomeranian around the world, it that will make you want one.
Pomeranian puppies
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Adorable Pictures Of Husky That Will Make You Say “Awww”
Husky is great size pets, but gentle, lovable personality, and especially a very expressive face should be loved by many people. Husky has been called “expressive” because their faces can express all emotions so deep, from sadness, sulking, brooding…
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Cute Husky puppies
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35 Cool beauty pictures of police dogs in human protection work
A police dog is a dog that is specifically trained to assist police and other law-enforcement personnel. Their duties include: searching for drugs and explosives, locating missing people, finding crime scene evidence, protecting people, and attacking criminals who are fleeing from or attacking police officers. Police dogs must remember several verbal cues and hand gestures. The most commonly used breeds are the German Shepherd, Belgian Malinois, Bloodhound, Dutch Shepherd, and the retriever breeds
Cool beauty pictures of police dogs bring to you a strong and safe feeling of professional work, besides they are also cute.
Focus on work
Take a picture

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Training time
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The Touching Story Of Dog Stayed Dead Owner
Dogs are often loyal best friends to humans. Even if you abandon them, no matter what the circumstances, they will always love you. Related to that loyalty, the following will be a very touching story of a dog stayed dead owner.
This heartbreaking story happened on January 31st. A blizzard took place in a rural area near Sacramento, California, causing David Deshon, owner of Baby Dog and Buddy, to die because his car got stuck.
When a rescue team arrived, they were moved to see Baby Dog still lying in the snow protecting his owner’s body. On the other hand, Buddy went missing for a few days after going to the neighbor’s house to bark and scratch at the door for help.
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When TODAY came and interviewed Lomeli, a neighbor to Shona, Deshon’s daughter, she said that Shona felt comfort knowing her father didn’t die alone, but she felt heartbroken that she couldn’t keep his dogs because her job took her away from home too much.
So Lomeli asked Shona and wished to adopt Baby Dog for her mother, Peggy Morrill, because the dog’s loyalty moved her to his late owner. She had hoped that her mother could receive that kind of devotion.
Mrs. Morrill has battled cancer during the pandemic. But unfortunately, just a few months before her diagnosis, she lost her “4-legged” friend who was always by her side, a black Lab dog named Raelyn. Therefore, Mrs. Morrill always yearned for a new dog but lacked the energy to find the right one.
Fortunately, Shona agreed to that. So on February 8, Lomeli went to a shelter to adopt Bady Dog. She also feared that Baby Dog would become depressed and potentially deadlocked after the accident when she arrived. However, he still appeared very fine.
Lomeli sat on a couch and asked, “Baby Dog, can you come and let me pet you?” Fortunately, the dog walked over and rested his head on her lap. Then, they had a walk together, and when Lomeli asked Baby Dog if he wanted a new family, he wagged his tail and kissed her on the face. Lomeli felt so happy that she immediately called her mother, and Mrs. Morrill was also excited.
So the next day, Lomeli and her husband came and took Baby Dog from the shelter to her parents’ house. Mrs. Morrill had told her the dog was beautiful. He was very docile and had learned how to use a dog door. Fortunately, he is still very healthy and happy with his new family.
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Back with Buddy, it was also a blessing to hear that he found a loving new home on February 11, after being treated for a urinary tract infection at Placer County Animal Services.
Read more: https://morehappawness.com/the-touching-story-of-dog-stayed-dead-owner/
30 Adorable Pictures of Chihuahua Have Cause Everyone To Fall In Love
Adorable pictures of chihuahua – The world’s smallest pet dog has a small, beautiful body, and intelligent character which is always a favorite pet for everyone… Despite their tiny body, they show an intense source of life – force energy.
Chihuahua Puppies
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To walk the street
Halloween Day
Beautiful Samoyed Pictures Make You Can Not Take You Eyes
Samoyed is a hunting dog derived from the Siberian region, this is a dog with a snow-like white fur with a lot of characteristics of wolves that are the outstanding features of this breed. Samoyed means dog breeds capable of finding food itself. Samoyed used to be a sleigh dog before becoming you for the upstream and trendy worlds like today, it was also raised by hunters and fishing. Elegant and vast, this breed today becomes one of the most fad dogs of dog lovers and is called Taiga’s Snow White.
The most beautiful samoyed pictures make you can not take you eyes off cute dogs look like snowflakes.
Cute Samoyed Puppies
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Yorkshire Terrier Dog Pictures Make You Want It Right Away
Yorkshire Terrier dog possessed great beauty and fell in love with many. Yorkshire beauty comes from their attractive coat. They are very agile and intelligent, preferring to run all day.
If you’re looking for yorkshire terrier dog pictures. The post below, More Happawness shares with you the loveliest yorkshire terrier dog pictures that we synthesize.
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Bichon Frise Dog Pictures That Will Make Your Heart Sing
The Bichon Frise is a beautiful breed of dog bred from two species of Poodle dog and a Barbet Water Spaniel dog. Bichon Frise look like a nice little can of cotton. The very small size, plus a curly white coat, makes this dog even more fascinating.

Bichon Frise dog pictures with a stylish haircut

The Most Adorable Dog On Beach Pictures For Your Summer
Summer’s hot is a great time to relax on the beach, and it’s much more interesting if you come across adorable dog on beach pictures. The following article incorporates and shares with you the cuddly cute dogs on the beach, and let’s take a look with More Happawness!
Dog wearing clothes on beach
Dog running out to sea
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Dog on beach pictures
Adorable Bulldog Pictures That Will Help You Feel They Are No Longer Fierce
The bulldog has long been the official mascot of the Unite States Marine Corps, but despite their fearsome name and military association, they are more brave than aggressive, and are quite friendly.
Adorable bulldog pictures, in here we have gathered a myriad of bulldog photos – from ones showing the Bulldog’s incomparable goofiness to revealing their soft side and making us squeal with joy looking at their ever-bored eyes.
Bulldog in christmas
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